Brunel University, Exeter University, Bob Burn. Funded by DEFRA Project Research has shown that some fish populations may be affected by exposure to oestrogens in sewage effluent; specifically male roach show signs of feminisation and have reduced reproductive success. This project aims to estimate the impact of the effects of this exposure on the long-term […]
Inferring survival rates of discarded plaice from fishing vessesls
CEFAS with funding from DEFRA. Aim To estimate the proportion of plaice that might survive being returned to the sea when they are caught accidentally whilst fishing for other species. This is so that CEFAS can provide scientific evidence to guide DEFRA’s decision making about the implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. Specifically, about whether […]
The influence of catch share management on MSC assessment scores
MRAG Americas. Funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Aim MRAG Americas were asked to explore whether fisheries managed using catch shares score measurably differently under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification standard than those not managed using catch shares. Catch share management is where a specific proportion of the catch is allocated to individuals, […]