Objectives The Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS), monitors the illegal ivory trade. It is one of two global monitoring systems for elephants under CITES (Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species). ETIS is managed by TRAFFIC International and aims to: assess illicit trade in ivory and other elephant products, establish trends over time determine whether […]
Food security in and around Savé Valley Conservancy
Background The Savé Valley Conservancy (SVC) is a collaboratively-managed wildlife area in the south east of Zimbabwe. It was created in 1991 from 18 former cattle ranches. On its creation a double 350km perimeter game fence was constructed, 14 species reintroduced and a security system of ranch-based anti-poaching teams was established to control illegal hunting. […]
Adaptive sampling of Prunus Africana
Prunus Africana is a cherry tree that occurs in montane forest regions of Africa, for example on the slopes of Mount Cameroon. Its bark is used for medicinal purposes and is harvested commercially for pharmaceutical companies. The extent of the harvesting meant that there were concerns of over-exploitation and so it was listed on CITES […]